(Rebuilding the form)Interrogate the Form and summon it again
Rebuilding the form takes two forms: first, revisiting the previous form through reasoning, and second, calling back the form to its formless content
Rebuilding the form takes two forms: first, revisiting the previous form through reasoning, and second, calling back the form to its formless content
Vasoukht Love is the origin of the concept of “us”. The “us” can be seen, heard, and to be spoken to “Vasoukht” means aversion and turning away from the beloved and in terms of traditional literature, is a poetry school based on this turning away. In this collection, “Vasoukht” gains a new definition beyond its poetic Phrase and presents a coherent whole, disintegrated when love
A battle has done its job, it kills. And we interpret how they die to fill in their empty spaces. Unfortunately, they lost in our commentaries. However, the most definite thing that remains in the heart of their family is their memoirs